Summer Internship at Essex Restoration

Monday was my first day on the job at Essex Restoration and my first day as a bonafide and paid carpenter! I couldn't be any more grateful to Walter, the owner of Essex Restoration, for giving me the opportunity to work with his company this summer. Essex is a mid-sized construction company that takes on diverse projects in historic preservation as well as high-end remodeling in the Boston area.

At any given time, Walter has several crews working on dozens of projects. For my first project, I have been assigned to a window restoration job at the Fogg Public Library in Weymouth, MA. The window work has been subcontracted to Essex by Northern Construction who is working on broader remodeling and utility modernization of the facility. Luckily, the work builds upon the skills I learned doing window restoration at the First Parish Church in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. We spent the first day doing an assessment of the work to be done and setting up our equipment. The other guys on the crew were extremely nice and easygoing.

Unlike my previous projects though school, all of the work to be completed is carefully specified by the architects plans. So far, I have found the elevations and cross-sections to be an extremely valuable resource for project planning and organization. Below are some pictures from the first day of work and our initial inspection. Should be a great first project. All work must be completed by June 30.

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